Archive for December 2010

Three Positive Interactions For Every One Negative

December 17, 2010

2.9013 to 1 — that’s the ratio of positive comments/experiences/expressions for every one negative exposure to make a team successful.  This data is based on an extensive mathematical model by psychologist Marcial Losada.  You need more than a 3 to 1 ratio to create a positive atmosphere, and according to other research, a 6 to 1 ratio for teams to produce their best work.

What is your positive to negative interaction ratio for each of your direct reports?  The positive interactions can be quite simple.  A “great job” comment, a quick “thank you” email, a smile when passing by, or a “good morning” welcome all add to your positive interaction tally.

Leaders spend countless dollars on performance training and incentives but simple, genuine positive interactions will do more to increase success than any other influence.  Empower yourself to deliver at least 3 positive interactions for every one negative, and you’ll increase your leadership effectiveness for success.

Appreciate The Value Of Personal Accountability

December 10, 2010

The one personal skill that continues to differentiate success from mediocrity is personal accountability.  We define personal accountability as the ability to be responsible for the consequences of one’s actions and decisions.  Personal accountability is a personal skill that can be observed and developed.

A person who has a strong sense of personal accountability has an internal responsibility to be accountable, a willingness to “own up” that will be exhibited in the person’s actions.  Someone who has personal accountability will perform well even when expectations are not clear, resources are hard to find, or competition is tough.

How do you know if the person you are looking to hire or your direct reports have personal accountability?  Ask these questions:

  • Tell me about a time when it was necessary to admit to others that you had made a mistake.  How did you handle it?
  • Give an example of a situation where others had made an error or mistake and you had to take the blame for their actions.  How did you react?
  • What is the worst business decision you ever made?  What made it the worst? Would knowing what you do now have helped you to avoid making that decision?
  • Give me an example of a lesson you have learned from making a mistake.  What did you do differently going forward?

Understanding how those you hire and direct handle personal accountability will empower you for greater success.

Apply Interpersonal Intelligence To Your Sales Approach

December 3, 2010

In his controversial book, Frames of Mind – The Theory Of Multiple Intelligences, Howard Gardner introduces the theory of seven different intelligences: linguistic, musical, logical, spatial, kinesthetic, intrapersonal, and interpersonal.  Gardner defines interpersonal intelligence as: the ability to read the intentions and desires of other individuals and act upon this knowledge*.

How do you or your sales staff apply interpersonal intelligence to your selling process?  We recommend using behavioral tools and structures to allow sales associates to better understand themselves, read their customers, and adapt to their customers.  Applying behavioral science to the sales process creates a greater connection between the buyer and seller and leads to more sales.

Sharpen the interpersonal intelligence of your sales staff and empower them for greater success.

* (Frames of Mind p. 239)