Archive for November 2010

Review Your Direct Report’s Job Responsibilities Regularly

November 26, 2010

Most leaders do a good job defining their direct report’s job responsibilities using either a job accountability matrix or a tradition job description.  This definition is most often done when the job is created or through an HR initiative.

Most jobs are dynamic and continue to evolve as the organization grows.  If you have an effective direct report, additional responsibilities are regularly added to their job.  At some point the job may become “too big.”

We recommend reviewing your direct report’s job responsibilities regularly and eliminating obsolete responsibilities and clarifying new ones.  Otherwise you may find your direct report sucked into spending time on activities that are no longer adding value to the position and not focusing on those new tasks that have become important.

Empower your direct reports to review their job responsibilities and you’ll both be more successful.

Check In On Development Plans Before It’s Too Late

November 10, 2010

It’s well into November and time to have discussions about your direct reports’ development plans.  Even if you have been doing quarterly updates, this is the perfect time to check in to see how close they are to achieving their 2010 development plans.

Everyone wants to feel successful relative to their personal development and growth.  If it looks like a direct report may come up short on their development goals, see if there are some short term wins that could be achieved before the end of the year even if the ultimate goal is not accomplished.  You may also want to consider allowing some extra time or resources to allow the direct report to achieve success.

Imagine how a direct report will go to the wall for you when you’ve made an extra effort in helping them achieve a personal goal.

Empower the success of your direct reports by removing obstacles or deploying resources relative to their development goals.

Make Sure The One-On-Ones Are About Your Direct Report

November 10, 2010

We’re approaching the time of year when the holidays come fast and furiously.  Your direct report may have family members coming to visit, or they may be traveling out of town for the holidays. College students may be re-entering the home.  Parties may be hosted, homes decorated, and baking prepared.  Of course everyone faces shopping, wrapping, and sending of cards with varying degrees of interest.

The very things that may bring one direct report happiness and excitement may bring another stress or depression.  One-on-ones are designed to be about the employee and their success.  Simply asking about what they have planned for the holidays may give you an idea if they are anticipating the time with trepidation or excitement.  That knowledge may play heavily into your delegation plans, milestones on projects, or resources deployed to projects at hand.

Empower your employees by delegating and supporting their workload based on all of their commitments.

Do A Group Accountability Session When Defining A Key Job

November 5, 2010
Do any of your direct reports feel their efforts are not appreciated by their co-workers?  Do they come to you complaining their co-workers expect them to do functions that are not their responsibility?  Have a key job you need everyone to understand?

Gather a group of stakeholders who interact with a particular job to help define the job’s accountabilities.  Think about how robust the job will be with many views on what should be accomplished.  Think about the cooperation others will have for a job if they helped build it.  Think about how appreciative your direct report will be if others understood specifically what was expected of them.

This powerful exercise builds incredible buy-in from the job’s stakeholders and welcomed clarity for the job’s incumbent.  You have peace of mind knowing a key job’s accountabilities are understood by many and your direct report’s responsibilities are “public.”  The individual in the position will feel better when needing to decline participation on a requested activity if a greater priority takes precedence, knowing that there is a better understand by others.

Use group accountability sessions to empower the direct reports in your key jobs and you’ll insure success.