Archive for December 2012

Update Job Accountabilities Regularly

December 28, 2012

Hopefully, each of your Direct Reports has a job accountability matrix capturing the job’s activities, priorities, and success factors.  Maybe instead, it’s a “job description” listing the job’s requirements and expectations.  Maybe it’s a tattered sheet of paper detailing what you’d like out of the job.

Whatever you are using to scope your Direct Report’s job, be sure to review and update it regularly.  We recommend reviewing job accountabilities during each quarterly performance review session.  By reviewing the accountabilities regularly with your Direct Report, you both are reminded of what is important.

Do not assume the job’s description is static and cannot be changed.  The document is a dynamic, evolving view of the job and should be updated as the job evolves or changes.  The responsibility for owning the updates and current nature of the Accountability Matrix or Job Description lies with your direct report.

Empower your Direct Reports to manage their job accountabilities and watch both your careers succeed.

Sales People Are The Toughest Interviews

December 14, 2012

When it comes to hiring sales people, you may enjoy the interviews more than a more technical interview.  That’s to be expected – they’re sales people. If they’ve spent at least a year in sales, they should be able to make the conversation comfortable and easy.

The hard part is being able to peel the onion back and find out what’s really underneath.  Keep in mind: no one is perfect.  The selection process must be designed to uncover the weaknesses to determine if they are deal-breakers.

The best way to do this is first to be clear about what you need up front so the sales person doesn’t talk you into buying something you don’t really need (or hiring someone that doesn’t fit). Assessments can help you see the potential issues the salesperson would rather you not see.  Those results allow the hiring manager to explore those issues in further conversation and reference checks.

If your organization is hiring a salesperson, empower your team with a robust selection process that includes assessments to create the best chance of success for the new hire.

Leading by Example – Powerful Leadership Story

December 6, 2012

There is a legend that is told of a French Monastery known throughout Europe for the exceptional leadership of a man known only as Brother Leo. Several monks took a pilgrimage to visit this extraordinary leader to learn from him. Starting out on the pilgrimage they almost immediately begin to argue over who should do certain chores.

On the third day of their journey they met another monk also going to the monastery; he joined them. This monk never bickered about doing chores and did them dutifully. And when the others would fight about which chores to do, he would simply volunteer to do them himself. On the last day of their journey, others began to follow his example and the bickering stopped.

When the monks reached the monastery they asked to see Brother Leo. The man who greeted them laughed. “But our brother is among you!” And he pointed to the fellow that had joined them.

Many seek positions in leadership to serve their own interests and not that of others. There are many self serving reasons why a person may want to lead such as power, status, networking and money. But the best leaders lead because they care about people. And those are the types of leaders that lead like Brother Leo. They teach through their actions, not by words alone. They are servants, not commanders.


Reprint: Teamwork and Leadership Bloggings with Mike Rogers