Archive for June 2010

The Importance of the Onboarding Process

June 27, 2010

Recruiting does not end when a new employee starts. It is important to cement retention during the first 90 days of employment. Make sure the employee’s desk is prepared for their first day.  Do they have a computer? Are their phones ready? Is their work area ready?  Do you have a plan for their first few days, including lunch?  And most important of all: do they understand their accountabilities?

Meet with your new direct report on their first day, and on a regular basis during the first 90 days to provide and receive feedback and review their accountabilities. Check in with the new direct report at 30, 60, and 90 days to see if their expectations match reality, whether they have all of the resources they need, and to provide mutual feedback.

Have a plan and provide adequate training and resources for your new direct report so that they can be successful. This doesn’t mean just providing them with manuals to read.  Have them shadow people in different areas or have some of your most experienced people share war stories.  If they must read manuals, schedule breaks at various sections of the manual to discuss application of what they read to the work they will be doing.

Consider all of the resources it took to recruit this individual. Isn’t it worth it to cement the relationship now that you have made the hire and empower them for success?

If Your Selection Process Isn’t Working, Tweak It

June 20, 2010

We’ve all heard the definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results.  If you believe the way you’ve hired in the past gives you as much confidence as rolling dice, why wouldn’t you do something different in hopes of increasing your odds?

Many leaders have a process to yield excellent results and prevent weak, or worse, disastrous hires.  It is important to tweak your process from time to time to accommodate various needs.  That may include using a search firm to source candidates who are then run through your process, adding an additional round of interviews, moving assessments up in the process, or doing a much longer phone interview before flying a candidate into town.

The bottom line is, you need an evolving process – not just a particular kind of interview, or use of an assessment.  A process that yields certain results and allows for adjustments when necessary.  Don’t throw out an entire process, but critically look at what seems to be working well and where it could be improved.

Feel free to visit our website to use any part of our process you find useful (here).

Empower your hiring managers to make the right hiring decisions by giving them a process that works.

Cognitive Abilities More Important Now Than Ever

June 13, 2010

We all have varying degrees of steadiness.  Some of us are focused, unyielding, and undeterred by distractions.  Some of us are flexible, multi-tasked, and enjoy distractions.  Some of us are a little of both.

How does the ubiquity of technological distractions today impact our ability to be productive?  How do the super-steady types avoid getting frustrated with all the interruptions.  And how do the easily distracted types garner enough focus to finish anything?

The answer is: we adapt to the situation for short periods of time.  Our ability to adapt is largely a function of our cognitive abilities.  We must continuously adjust our natural style and what feels comfortable to either block out the interruption or respond to it.  Those with strong  cognitive abilities are likely to be most successful in today’s work environment.

Are your direct reports developing their cognitive abilities?  Are you screening new-hire candidates for their thinking?  Empower your direct reports to focus on their critical thinking skills and they will be successful.

Talent Processes Are More Important Now Than Ever

June 4, 2010
“In a poll conducted by human-resources consultant Right Management at the end of 2009, 60% of workers said they intended to leave their jobs when the market got better.” – Wall Street Journal, May 25th 2010
What are you doing to retain your superstars?  What talent processes are you using to insure you don’t lose 60% of your team? Based on The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave by Leigh Branham, employees leave because:
  1. Job not as expected
  2. Job doesn’t fit talents and interests
  3. Little or no feedback/coaching
  4. No hope for career growth
  5. Feel devalued and unrecognized
  6. Feel overworked and stressed out
  7. Lack of trust or confidence in leaders
Talent process improve your chances to retain your superstars as valuable contributors to your organization.  A comprehensive selection process addresses job expectations (#1), job fit (#2), and organization fit (#4).  A robust performance process addresses feedback (#3), recognition (#5), workload (#6) and trust (#7).
As the economy improves, expect your superstars to have many opportunities to leave.  Implementing effective selection and performance processes (like SelectAdvantage and PerformanceAdvantage) now will empower your leaders to successfully hold on to your superstars.